Repairing the First Hole

After discovering the first hole im my catsuit I had no real choice but repair it. I ordered a repair kit consisting of cleaner, glue, and latex patches from a local dealer. Once the set arrived, I first cleaned the suit thoroughly with regular soap at the affected area and let it dry, then used the appropriate cleaner. I applied the glue to the area on the suit and the patch (which I cut into a round shape) and let it dry a bit. After that, I just placed the patch over the hole and pressed it down firmly. After about a day, I used the suit normally again, and so far everything is holding up great (I’m actually wearing the suit while writing this). I hope this is a permanent fix and that I don’t encounter any more issues with that spot, as it’s somewhat inconveniently located right at the zipper. But time will tell. ...

Defective Leggings

I’m not really sure what’s going on right now. Recently, I noticed a small hole in my catsuit, and now I have a bigger problem with my leggings. I hardly wear these leggings; they were mainly for testing the feel of latex and also for practicing the proper handling of latex. Consequently, I hadn’t worn them for several months, but I wanted to wash them today. While doing that, I noticed that some areas were sticking together unnaturally, and when I tried to pull them apart, the latex tore. This happened in several places - I probably didn’t dry the leggings well enough, which led to them deteriorating. ...

The First Hole

I washed my catsuit today and discovered the first small hole. I’m not sure exactly when it happened, probably the last time I wore it, although I didn’t do anything special then. Specifically, what I had voiced as a concern about catsuits with a split rear zipper has happened – there is now a small hole at the top of the crotch zipper, where the reinforcement from the zipper transitions to the regular latex. It’s exactly the spot between the two zippers thats under high stress. ...